Trail Details
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Stanford Perimeter Trail
The Stanford Perimeter Trail is part of a comprehensive proposal made by the university in partnership with Palo Alto to create a set of hiking and biking trails connecting recreational areas in the foothills to those in the Palo Alto Baylands. The plan, called "Stanford and Palo Alto Trails Program: Connecting the Bay to the Ridge," was proposed in 2012. The Stanford Perimeter Trail is an easily accessible, 3.4 mile-long, multi-use recreational amenity, built along Junipero Serra Boulevard, Stanford Avenue, and El Camino Real. The Stanford Perimeter Trail provides an important connection to Palo Alto and County trails, local parks, schools, and other destinations. It is a high-quality facility for walkers, joggers, and bicyclists.
Design Summary
El Camino Real
- New and upgraded trail; 8’ to 10’ asphalt with shoulders where feasible.
- Sidewalk improvements.
- Improved intersections crossings.
Junipero Serra Boulevard (JSB)
- New trail; 10’ asphalt with shoulders.
- New bike corral parking for 50 bikes at the JSB and Stanford Avenue intersection.
Stanford Avenue
- New and upgraded trail; asphalt surface with shoulders where feasible.
- Bike lanes on both sides of roadway.
- Green bike lanes to increase bike safety in conflict areas.
- Resurface Stanford Avenue and maintain marked traffic tables (bumps) to reduce speed.
- Maintain character (creek area and Escondido School).
- Formalized parking; back-in angle parking between JSB and Raimundo Way; parallel parking north-side of Stanford Avenue, east of Raimundo Way.